Cheesy Hotdog With Peppers & Onions

Makes: 8 servings

8 Love’s hot dog buns
8 package hot dogs
1 cup red bell pepper, diced
1 cup green bell pepper, diced
1 cup white onion, chopped
24 slices American Cheese
Condiments to taste

1. Preheat broiler to 550 degrees. In a safe cooking vessel, place your hot dog buns and spread the bread open. Place 3 slices of American Cheese onto each bun making sure to cover the full bun from side to side.

2. Add green bell peppers and onions on top of the cheese. Place into broiler and watch carefully while the cheese melts. It happens quickly!

3. Once the cheese is melted, remove from oven and set aside. Score your hot dogs and grill or pan fry until golden brown on both sides.

4. Add hot dogs to Love’s hot dog buns and apply the remaining bell peppers and raw onions on top. Season with your favorite condiments and enjoy!